Buck Rizvi

Author Archives: Buck Rizvi

Founder for Ultimate Lifespan. Natural Health Researcher & Evangelist. Father of four. Instrument-rated pilot. Still has trouble impressing his wife and best friend, Daiva.

Have You Been Poisoned By Environmental Toxins?

Everyday, you are exposed to dangerous toxins. In fact, over 300,000 new chemicals are introduced into our  environment every year, with potentially catastrophic impact to your health! They come from… Pesticides in your food that are making you fatter, sicker,  and more tired! Hormones, antibiotics and drugs used on milk cows and cattle! Skin care products […]

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Fruit or Not for Weight Loss Success?

To eat fruit or not to eat fruit for weight loss success? Some experts say to avoid fruit at all costs if you’re trying to lose pounds. Others say it’s OK to eat and you should, instead, avoid processed foods containing the chemically altered fructose derivates including high fructose corn syrup, table sugar and the […]

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A Secret to Self-Healing

What if you could get your hands on a secret that can “unlock” the body’s own “pharmacy”, to relieve pain, reduce high blood pressure, quit smoking permanently, lose weight and treat dozens of other health problems? Recently, I discovered some exciting information about a highly effective self-care technique that anyone can learn and use to […]

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Why Probiotics are Essential to a Healthy Diet

The stomach has lately been referred to more as the second brain because of the billions of neuro receptors along the gut lining. This massive neuro-network regulates immune function, hormones and inflammation response as well as nutrient absorption. So, healthy digestive system begins with nurturing beneficial flora in the gut, like lactobacillus and acidophilus. When […]

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Celebrating 6 Years of Healthy Living

Today marks a very special day for me.  It was just 6 short years ago today that Ultimate Lifespan was born. It started in my basement, filling one order at a time and grew into a multi-million dollar business. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for believing in us all these years.  But […]

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Living Healthy: How to Beat Colds and the Flu

With cold and flu season quickly approaching, now is the time to talk about prevention.  Here are the most healthy choices you can make to prevent being affected by the cold and flu bug: Wash, Wash, Wash No new news here, but colds and flu are caused by viruses, which can easily pass from person […]

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