
Category Archives for "Digestive Health"

Digestive Health

The Link Between Obesity and Cancer

You’d have to be living under a rock to not know that obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease, but what about cancer? Does obesity increase your risk of cancer too? And if so, which cancers and why? 42% of all breast and colon cancers diagnosed are among obese people Obesity […]

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Food Cravings: What Your Body is Telling You

We all experienced food cravings from time to time. You know – that taste for something sweet, salty, or creamy – that you just have to have. Like many people trying to diet or control their weight, your life may revolve around either satisfying or suppressing your cravings. But, did you ever stop to consider […]

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Prevent Diabetes and Lose Weight at the Same Time!

Looking good isn’t the only reason to lose weight. It just might save your life, especially if you adopt a healthy menu to lose the weight. To lose weight properly, you should be eating the same foods that can help prevent a number of life-threatening diseases such as diabetes. Obesity is a definite pre-cursor to […]

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Why Does Conventional Weight Loss Advice FAIL?

Despite the drive to lower America’s obesity rate, most dieters still fail to lose weight and worse, many who do lose the weight gain it back as well as a few more pounds! Due to all the health risks associated with obesity, the health industry has been pressured to focus more on preventative measures and […]

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The Natural Way to Prevent Colon Cancer

Colon cancer takes the lives of over 55,000 men and women in the United States every year. More than 130,000 new cases are diagnosed every year, and usually, at advanced states due to the lack of symptoms in earlier stages. Early detection is key in surviving colon cancer due to its invasive nature. Regular screenings […]

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