Earthing: Reconnecting with the Earth’s Healing Energy

Imagine a powerful remedy for stress, inflammation, and poor circulation—one that costs nothing and is accessible to nearly everyone. That remedy is the simple act of walking barefoot on the ground. Yes, something as effortless as standing on grass, dirt, or sand could hold the key to feeling better and even improve your overall health. This practice, known as “earthing” or “grounding,” has been gaining attention in both wellness circles and scientific research for its potential to reconnect us with the Earth's natural energy.

Most of us live our lives almost entirely disconnected from the ground beneath our feet. As bioelectrical beings, we rely on a delicate balance of positive and negative charges within our bodies to maintain health. However, modern life—with its abundance of man-made radiation, synthetic materials, and especially rubber-soled shoes—has caused us to lose contact with the Earth's healing energy. Unlike other animals that roam freely on the Earth, humans have isolated themselves from this vital connection. Could this disconnection from nature be one reason for the rising rates of illness and chronic disease? While it's hard to pinpoint a single cause, there's growing evidence that grounding ourselves could play a significant role in restoring balance to our bodies.

The Science Behind Earthing

To understand earthing’s benefits, it helps to look at what happens on a biological level. The Earth itself is a massive source of negative electrical charge, rich in free electrons. When we spend time in direct contact with the ground—whether through our skin or by walking barefoot—these electrons flow into our bodies, helping to neutralize the excess positive charge that builds up due to modern living surrounded by electronics. This electrical exchange essentially restores balance, acting as a sort of reset for our nervous system and cells.

Numerous studies have demonstrated how this simple practice can have a tangible effect on the body. For example, research has shown that grounding can reduce inflammation by lowering the levels of pro-inflammatory molecules and free radicals, which are unstable atoms that can damage cells and lead to disease. Grounding has also been shown to improve circulation, allowing for better oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body. And because the act of earthing can calm the nervous system, it’s no surprise that people report experiencing reduced stress and improved sleep after spending time connected to the Earth.

Benefits of Earthing

Let’s dive deeper into the health benefits of earthing:

1. Reduced Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a root cause of many health issues, from autoimmune disorders to cardiovascular disease. The body's immune response is designed to fight off threats, but when inflammation becomes excessive or doesn't turn off, it can lead to persistent pain, fatigue, and other health problems. Grounding allows the body to absorb negatively charged electrons, which may help neutralize free radicals, thus reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

In one study, participants who practiced grounding experienced a significant decrease in markers of inflammation, such as white blood cell counts and C-reactive protein levels. Additionally, participants reported less pain, which aligns with anecdotal reports of people feeling relief from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis after regularly grounding themselves.

2. Improved Stress Response

Grounding appears to positively affect the body’s autonomic nervous system, which regulates everything from your heart rate to your digestion. Most notably, grounding has been shown to lower cortisol levels—the stress hormone that can wreak havoc on our health when chronically elevated.

By re-establishing contact with the Earth’s energy, grounding helps the body shift from the sympathetic “fight-or-flight” response, which is associated with stress and tension, into the parasympathetic “rest-and-digest” state. This shift is crucial for relaxation, healing, and recovery.

In one fascinating experiment, participants slept grounded by connecting to conductive bed sheets that transferred the Earth's energy. The result? Their cortisol rhythms normalized, meaning they experienced more balanced and restorative sleep.

3. Better Circulation

Good circulation is vital for overall health, as it ensures that oxygen and nutrients are delivered to cells while waste products are removed. Grounding has been found to increase red blood cell zeta potential, which refers to the electric charge on the surface of red blood cells. This charge allows the cells to repel one another, preventing clumping and improving blood flow.

In a 2013 study, participants who grounded themselves experienced an immediate improvement in blood viscosity, a major factor in cardiovascular health. When blood is less viscous (or less “sticky”), it flows more easily, lowering the risk of conditions like hypertension, heart attack, and stroke.

4. Enhances Sleep Quality

Many people report that grounding improves their ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is likely due to the calming effect that grounding has on the nervous system, which helps regulate the body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm. Stress and anxiety, both common causes of insomnia, are reduced by grounding, leading to more restful and uninterrupted sleep.

People who spend time earthing often say they feel more relaxed, energized, and even refreshed when they wake up the next day. If you suffer from sleeplessness, adding even a few minutes of earthing into your evening routine could make a noticeable difference.

How to Get Started with Earthing

The beauty of earthing is its simplicity. All you need to do is go outside and stand, walk, or sit barefoot on the ground. Natural surfaces such as grass, soil, sand, or unpainted concrete are all ideal. The key is making sure that your bare skin is in contact with the Earth for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. This can be done in your backyard, at a local park, or even on a beach if you have access.

If you live in an area where getting outside regularly isn't possible, there are grounding products like mats and sheets that simulate the effect of standing barefoot on the Earth. While these may not offer quite the same experience, they can still help you tap into the benefits of grounding. Hugging a tree is also an option to connect to the earth, this is a great option in the winter when the ground is covered with snow and ice. 

Final Thoughts

It’s remarkable to think that something as simple as walking barefoot could be so transformative for our health. As we become more disconnected from nature, practices like earthing offer a way to restore balance and re-establish our relationship with the planet we live on. By grounding ourselves, we can decrease inflammation, reduce stress, improve circulation, and experience the calming benefits of being in sync with the Earth’s energy. So why not take off your shoes, step outside, and let the Earth work its natural magic? Your body will thank you.

For more information, check out studies on grounding and health from sources such as the Journal of Environmental and Public Health and Nature's Pathways.

Documentary Recommendation: “The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding”

For those interested in diving deeper into the science and personal stories behind earthing, I highly recommend “The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding.” This documentary explores the profound effects that reconnecting with the Earth can have on our health, featuring interviews with experts in the field, as well as everyday people who have experienced life-changing benefits from grounding. It’s an eye-opening watch that highlights the disconnection we face in modern life and shows how simple practices like walking barefoot can help restore balance in our lives. Available for streaming online, it's a must-see for anyone curious about earthing's potential.


Ming Kuo. How might contact with nature promote human health? Promising mechanisms and a possible central pathway. PubMed Central. 2015 Aug 25.

James L Oschman, Gaétan Chevalier, and Richard Brown. The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.  PubMed Central.  2015 Mar 24. 

ULS Colon Cleanse system
Daiva Rizvi

As a holistic nutritionist and certified classical homeopath, I believe that vibrant health is the foundation of great life, and food and our environment has everything to do with our health. We all eat, every day. Sadly, this vital, pleasurable and such primal activity has become so confusing, stressful, and complicated for majority of us, that it is starting to look a lot like rocket science. My mission is to help you navigate through the ever changing and puzzling landscape of nutrition by weeding out all the noise and focusing on what’s truly important. Make it simple and fun.
