Daiva Rizvi

Author Archives: Daiva Rizvi

As a holistic nutritionist and certified classical homeopath, I believe that vibrant health is the foundation of great life, and food and our environment has everything to do with our health. We all eat, every day. Sadly, this vital, pleasurable and such primal activity has become so confusing, stressful, and complicated for majority of us, that it is starting to look a lot like rocket science. My mission is to help you navigate through the ever changing and puzzling landscape of nutrition by weeding out all the noise and focusing on what’s truly important. Make it simple and fun.

The Statin Paradox: Rethinking Cholesterol and Heart Health

Despite a staggering annual expenditure of $32 billion on statins, the number one cause of death worldwide is still heart disease, raising questions about the efficacy of these widely prescribed medications. This article delves into the often-overlooked complexities of cholesterol, challenging the conventional narrative and exploring the vital roles this lipid plays in our bodies. […]

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