Why Does Conventional Weight Loss Advice FAIL?

Despite the drive to lower America’s obesity rate, most dieters still fail to lose weight and worse, many who do lose the weight gain it back as well as a few more pounds!

Due to all the health risks associated with obesity, the health industry has been pressured to focus more on preventative measures and help with weight loss. Are doctors capable of helping you lose the weight and keep it off for good?

Not on their own. The fact is, most doctors have limited training or education during medical school to help people lose weight and keep it off for good.

As well, time is an issue. Due to scheduling issues, most doctors simply lack the amount of time necessary to spend with each patient and teach them how to lose those pounds. Follow-up is even more difficult as truly helping with weight loss isn’t all about the physical aspects.

Let’s talk about the specifics of why conventional weight loss advice fails to teach you how to really lose pounds.

Is Your Doctor’s Advice About Weight Loss the Best?

The average family physician is simply not trained to help people lose weight unless they boost their education with supplemental classes. Most nurses do not see this type of training nor do physician’s assistants. The fact is, nutrition plays a vital role in all aspects of health, including maintaining a healthy weight.

Yes, there’s been a call to action in the health community to reduce obesity numbers and help with weight loss, but there are simply not enough trained professionals, especially in general, family or pediatric practices. Your average physician can easily tell you that being overweight or obese is negatively impacting your health. They can even give you advice on reducing calories, increasing activity and making healthier choices.

All of that information is available to you via the internet as well, but how easy is it to know how to lose pounds yet difficult to actually accomplish?

A registered dietician, nutritionist or personal trainer is far more qualified to help you with weight loss, but most practices do not have a registered dietician on staff. Nutritionists and personal trainers tend to fall outside the scope of conventional medical practice, and your insurance company will not cover these types of services. If you’re lucky, your employer may have a wellness program tied in with insurance policies that will offer you a discount towards a gym membership, but you’ll probably still pay out of pocket for additional services such as personal training or nutrition consultations.

Does Your Doctor Give You Enough Time to Help with Weight Loss?

Have you ever waited longer to see a doctor for an appointment than you actually spent with the doctor? Sure. We all have. There are fewer and fewer family physicians these days as more medical students pursue higher paying specialties. The results are overcrowded schedules and limited one on one time with patients.

Getting to the root of someone’s weight loss issues takes more than a 15 minute visit. Maybe you are eating too much. Maybe you are simply eating too much of the wrong thing. Perhaps you aren’t exercising or your exercise isn’t really effective. Maybe you are deficient in certain nutrients or aren’t taking in enough phytochemicals to combat years of poor nutrition or other unhealthy habits.

On the flipside, if you are overweight or obese, it would be wise to be evaluated for a few medical conditions that may be making it difficult for you to lose weight. Having your thyroid function tested, for example, would be good, especially if you’ve gained an unusual amount of weight with little change to your diet.

Sometimes the Key to Losing Pounds IS All in Your Head!

Being overweight or obese isn’t all about what you are physically doing. Why do you eat what you eat? Are you an emotional eater? A compulsive eater? We tend to think about eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia, but overeating and compulsive eating are also eating disorders, and as all things of this nature, are a negative coping mechanism to handling stress or other emotional difficulties.

Less serious, but still an issue, are changing patterns that we may have learned as children. Eating regularly throughout the day or “grazing” is healthier than eating three large meals and much better than skipping meals. Finishing all of your food even if you are full is another common habit we learned as children. Or perhaps, you view different foods such as potatoes or bread as being a normal and healthy part of a meal when in reality, some of these fluffy, starchy choices may be keeping you overweight or obese.

Unconventional Advice for Weight Loss

You may need to incorporate some unconventional yet proven approaches to your fat loss plan if you want to lose pounds and keep them off. Weight loss in a week is possible, and you can even jumpstart you weight loss plan with the Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day Program. It may be just the thing to help you see real results quickly and find the encouragement you need to keep going.

Or, one of the very best things you can do to boost your weight loss efforts is to counteract some of the ill effects of years of eating poorly. Most of us barely get the required nutrients to avoid deficiencies in the average American diet. Supplementing your diet with some of nature’s nutrients can help you with weight loss.

Weight Loss Formula No.1 combines three key ingredients that work together to balance your hormones, suppress your appetite and bring calm to your day. And true to the RealDose promise, these ingredients are used in the dose proven by science to be most effective.

Buck Rizvi

Founder for Ultimate Lifespan. Natural Health Researcher & Evangelist. Father of four. Instrument-rated pilot. Still has trouble impressing his wife and best friend, Daiva.
